Welcome to Our Home.
Follow along on our journey and get to know us! Whether we just met or we’ve known each other for awhile we’re so glad you’re here!
“Always strive to leave people
better than you found them.”
— Unknown
Our Stories.
The Gay Christian Debate.
The LGBTQIA+ conservative Christian debate. An always highly controversial and heated debate, one that has pained many in my community, including myself for years.
Let's Talk About Long Distance Relationships.
For those who don’t know, Sam is a musical theater performer and once did a cruise contract which ported out of Venice and made trips to Greece.
A Relationship with yourself.
I would argue that the greatest love of all time is your relationship with yourself. It’s treating yourself as you would like to be treated. Being kind to yourself in word and action.
Traveling with your other Half.
If you’ve followed us for more than a day you know we always talk about how much we love solo travel. The benefits it brings to the soul, and how much we can grow as individuals from spending time alone and relying only on ourselves. But there is also something to be said about traveling with your second half!
The Hospitality Industry.
I love the hospitality industry and all that it provides to guests. It’s an industry living and breathing “service to others” and I’m all about that. We create environments and experiences that are memorable and evoke feelings. Very few industries can say that what they do professionally is help others to feel.
The Pandemic Travel Blues.
If you’re feeling down right now, we hear you. If you’re sad or lonely, it’s OK. These feelings are normal. You most likely share them with most of the world right now and they are 100% valid. Hang on tight, we have a feeling normalcy will start to materialize soon.