The Pandemic Travel Blues.


Does anyone else miss Disney?
Theme parks, and fast food stands, long park lines, and breakfast with Mickey. I mean we’ve been a few times to the wonderful world of Disney down in Orlando, Florida. We actually have some friends who perform at the park down there, but we could never seem to get down there quite enough!
That’s definitely one thing from the pandemic that we miss most. Seeing friends and family from all across the country. Spending time with our friends who just had babies, and seeing family we haven’t been able to see going on for about a year now. It’s a shift in mindset from pre-pandemic days, a perspective we’ll take with us into the years ahead. Prior to COVID, there was always this sentiment, “Oh we’ll get there next year.” But this pandemic has put a lot of things into perspective and is helping us to frame out what really is most important. “Make more time to see the one we love most.”
We’re very grateful for all the blessings we have right now. We understand that people are suffering right now from lack of food, illness, struggling to pay rent, and all the other unfortunate circumstances this pandemic has waged on us. We don’t mean to minimize all of that by posting this silly picture of us enjoying a Disney theme park. There is just something to be said about missing normalcy and missing friendships, and looking ahead to the future for some hope and excitement.
One thing that has helped us through this time in quarantine is planning all the exciting things we’ll get to do when it is safe to do so again. There’s nothing better than opening Kayak and finding that next trip, or next hotel you’ll get to try out. Or FaceTiming with friends and talking about how excited you are to visit and all the things you’ll get to do together next year. For Sam and I, it’s planning our wedding - hopefully coming to a city near you in 2022.
If you’re feeling down right now, we hear you. If you’re sad or lonely, it’s OK. These feelings are normal. You most likely share them with most of the world right now and they are 100% valid. Hang on tight, we have a feeling normalcy will start to materialize soon.


The Hospitality Industry.